Tuesday, July 6, 2010

T-shirt Contest

Every year, each Bread Loaf campus hosts a t-shirt design contest for their campus. I entered one for the Santa Fe shirt, and I won. It should be a pretty cool shirt. I don't get anything for winning but bragging rights I guess, but that's cool. the shirt will be turquoise blue and the lettering will be rust colored (even the cowboy). Very Santa Fe. Very cool. :)


The Nate and Sara Project said...

It's totally cool! Way to go, Arti. I want one ;)

Kim said...

Awesome, Arti! That's so cool!

Lori S O said...

You are so creative - you get it from your MOM xoxoxox

bret and family said...

"I won this big contest and all I got was this lousy t-shirt!"


Cody said...

Congrats, man do you seem to win everything lately! Miss you