Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An update: Relief society and Mexico

Well, my grand plans to go back to Mexico for Christmas have failed. The candle of hope started flickering a while ago, but somebody blew it out today. A few weeks ago, Holland (my younger brother) told me he could no longer go. I was mad for a minute, but decided I could probably get someone else to go with me. I just talked my friend and roommate-ish, Kassie, into going. She had her passport paperwork ready to go and traded her days of work off. As luck would have it, there is apparently a lot of violence in Mexico right now. One of the members in Ascencion told us not to come because it is too dangerous. Alton Thacker (the man in charge of the trip) had been trying to get supplies for Christmas over the border, but hasn't had any luck getting across. I got an email today saying the trip has officially been cancelled. Combined, the hardships have been too much. So if you were planning on donating materials or making a quilt, you are awesome, but we won't be going. I think the Thacker family will be taking a little food over, but just their immediate family is going. To say the least, I am bummed. I guess it is better to be safe though. Anyway, it looks like I'll have to cancel my substitute and stay in town for the holidays. Maybe I'll look for something else fun to do. 

On a different note, I have been called to be the Relief Society President in my branch. I got sustained and set apart on Sunday to make it official. I am a little nervous about it. Relief Society is a program in the church I have never served in. I guess I'll learn a lot(ha ha ha understatement, right?). I've already started thinking about getting more people to attend the branch instead of their parent's wards, and activities are piling up with the holidays right around the corner. Oh, and I'll probably have to find someone to teach on Sunday. Dang. It will have to be me. I called our only teacher to be one of my counselors. Oh well. It should be fun. 

That's all I have for now. Nothing else is really going on. School is fine most of the time, and days are speeding by far too quickly. Hope this beautiful fall weather finds you chilly but happy. 


Janet said...

wow arti! it sounds like you have your plate full! but i believe in you. if you need anything just let me know. love you mean it!

Amber said...

you will be an amazing president! you can come to california with me over the holiday! i can show you my mission, it would be so super cool! please say yes!

Holly In A Hurry said...

that sucks about Mexico. Maybe next year, and i'll be there for sure!